Welcome to the world of Change. My name is Sandy and I am a fun, rambunctious, sometimes shy, mother of 1 and wife.

Have you ever felt like a large amount of money would change your life for the better? Even when you know deep down you need more than just money in your life. You really need a new mindset, a new spouse or a new continent to call home. But the thought of coming into a huge amount of money makes you feel all tingly inside.
I Know What That Desire Feels Like
I have been there. I really felt like finding that pot of gold would make my life 100% better even when others kept telling me to look for that pot of God or that pot of sexual fantasies or just, pot (a.k.a. marijuana, a.k.a. “an escape”). I got married really young and had a child, in my opinion, way too young, and I wasn’t satisfied. We struggled from the beginning and just weren’t ready spiritually, mentally or financially to be that strong married union we all wish for.
Early on, I was ready to give up many times, by divorce or disappearing from all mankind, but even when I entertained the darkness, I knew it was not my destiny. Still, I played with and was seduced by the darkness. That darkness came in many forms, to include financial irresponsibility.
I was very irresponsible, but I felt like it was mandatory for me to fill the void I felt within my relationships and inside of me. This included buying things I really couldn’t afford, using credit cards I had no business having and accumulating a crap load of debt. I became a lover of bras, panties and purses. The bras & panties touched me in ways I was lacking from my partner and the purses represented the possibility of having lots of money one day.
How Do You Get Past This Darkness?
But, how did I overcome this darkness? It was a process and took time, but one thing I did was contact a Financial Counselor/Coach to help me determine the root causes of my financial irresponsibility and help me develop an action plan to change my bad habits.
If you are facing the same darkness within your personal finances, click the button below to schedule an appointment with a
C4C certified financial counselor/coach.