The New Oxford American Dictionary defines a journey as a "long and often difficult process of personal change and development". The journey towards financial freedom can be long and it can be difficult, but it also can be so rewarding. It requires commitment and sacrifice. It requires patience and perseverance.

From a Personal Perspective
For me, my financial journey has been longer than long and extremely hard. As I allowed myself to rack up debt and not save, I started to feel the weight of being overwhelmed by my own irresponsibility. I was too proud and ashamed to ask for help from family and friends. There were times when I would hide in my house when I didn’t have any money to spend and I was tired of using multiple credit cards. 🥺
My journey, as most do, included hurdles, moving finish lines, valleys, mountains, blue skies and cloudy moments with a chance of frozen rain. 🌧All of these moments were necessary for growth and to build my character. All of these lessons were necessary for me to get closer to a state of freedom within my personal finances. I’m not there yet, but I know that my journey will expose me to further moments and lessons that will get me closer to my ultimate goal.
Embrace the Curves in Your Financial Freedom Journey
With the new year approaching, I would encourage you to hold on to your dreams and be grateful for the twists and turns. I would encourage you to set goals and plan accordingly. I would also encourage you to get help. It’s ok to ask for help. It really is ok.
Want to learn how to get on the right path to financial freedom? Click the button below to schedule an appointment with a C4C certified financial counselor/coach.